Mrs. Jill Barber

Parents as Teachers Parent Educator

parents as teachers

What is Parents as Teachers?

Parents as Teachers (PAT) is a FREE family education and support program that begins prenatally and extends through age three.  In PAT, parents are supported by a certified parent educator (me!) who uses the Foundational and Model Implementation curriculum that translates scientific information on early brain development into concrete suggestions on ways to teach and nurture your child.  PAT is available to ALL families who choose to participate.


In the first few years, children learn more and at a faster pace than at any other time in life.  Through PAT, parents acquire knowledge and skills to make the most of these crucial, early learning years.  The program provides timely information on child development and neuroscience research; involves you in parent-child activities that encourage language development, intellectual growth, social development and motor skills; and strengthens your relationship with your child. 


If you are pregnant, or have a child birth to age three, please contact me so we can talk about this program and how I can help you and your family as you do the most important job you will ever have, raising your kids!